all postcodes in GU1 / GUILDFORD

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
GU1 3AA651.235901-0.572493
GU1 3AD251.235985-0.572061
GU1 3AG151.245283-0.582332
GU1 3AH151.236061-0.571643
GU1 3AJ1051.236259-0.570921
GU1 3AP151.236695-0.56979
GU1 3AW751.236825-0.569385
GU1 3BB151.237383-0.569439
GU1 3BJ1151.237619-0.567355
GU1 3BL151.245279-0.582312
GU1 3BS151.237825-0.566561
GU1 3BT151.234977-0.575659
GU1 3BY051.237497-0.567717
GU1 3DA151.238255-0.567149
GU1 3DD051.237161-0.568888
GU1 3DE451.237391-0.568608
GU1 3DG1151.235159-0.576584
GU1 3DL151.235159-0.576599
GU1 3DN1451.235787-0.57524
GU1 3DP1051.235757-0.573228